Friday, December 22, 2006

All good things must blend

Its finally the end of the semester. After 4 finals, several papers and projects, and lots of caffene, I feel relieved of most of my stress.

I've really been enjoying my time with Laura, I don't have much of it left. She gave me an entire outfit for Christmas, I like it a lot. The shoes are the best, they have blue pinstripes down the side, and they look very classy.

Now that I'm home...

Work has been crazy, people are all out shopping for Christmas presents and such, and so they stop by Bob Evans on their way out of Target. Ug. We've been constantly busy every day I work, not a whole lot of time to sit down or take a break. I'm still thankful i have a job where I can work and get a lot of hours.

Our car broke down on the way home, and so it's still chilling in the great state of Ohio. We're getting a new engine, which will hopefully be ready by the time that we go back to school. Once again, I'm extremely thankful that we were both safe and everything worked out safely.

Bow chicka bow wow, Jesus comes next week!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Life has been generally busy the past couple weeks.  Tests have been difficult so far this year, and it's not going to get any easier.  I have a test in Principles of Biblical Study tomorrow, and I've been studying for it quite a lot today.  My list of things to commit to memory is so long I don't know if I can fit it all into my head!  Our teacher is pretty crazy, he has so much of the Bible and Catechism memorized that its pretty crazy.  One of my classmates asked a question one day, and I thought it would stump him, but he gave a Bible reference off the top of his head!  I think this class has helped me focus a lot more on studying the Bible and I think appreciating the ancientness of it.

In newer more technological news, my box to repackage my Xbox 360 to send it back in should be arriving this week.  Its been a bummer not having it around to play with my dorm-mates, but today would not be a day for it anyway.  I've spent a good portion of the day locked away in my room with a simple sign on the door reading "Studying."  Everyone understands what I mean- "no entry."

My computer has been in dissaray for a while, it just can't catch a break.  I think I broke the graphics for my window decorater, so if I use the one that's generally prettier and more functional, the top bar of windows with the X and stuff in it disappears.  Kind of difficult to drag stuff around....

We watched Pitch Black this last weekend, reminding me once again how amazing Vin Diesel is.  Good times.

My room was getting trashed from wear and tear, so I vaccumed the floor and cleaned things up this last weekend.  The area between my desk and refrigerator was so disgusting!  Dust everywhere!  I need to do laundry still, I'm on my second to last pair of socks.

I've been watching Battlestar Galactica with my friends here at school, and we finally got caught up to the current season.  It's a good show, but frustrating sometimes.

As the comedian John Cleese put it, "If God did not intend for us to eat animals,
then why did he make them out of meat?"

Good night and drive safely.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Good times at school

This semester has been by far one of the most enjoyable times of my life.  Although my classes have been challenging, I have enjoyed most of them.  I'm finally starting to see more of my theology focus, and my catechetics classes are always good.

My room has become the hang out for the wing; the other day I counted 11 people in my room, and it was relatively comfortable.  We are at the center of the gaming universe on the second floor, mostly because of the Xbox.  Call of Duty and Dead Rising never cease being played during the day.  It's great to have a lot of solid friends to hang out with.

Laura and I have had some fun times, we actually went to the mall this week.  It was really depressing going to the Steubenville mall because it is extremely tiny and run-down.  I missed West-co and South County malls a lot.  We watched the movie "Rat Race" tonight.  It's one of my favorites we have watched, always a classic.

My computer has been in turmoil, mostly from running buggy software, but it has since been fixed and resolved.  I started using a windows manager called Beryl that did a whole bunch of cool things with the 3d card, but the new unstable version of Ubuntu caused my computer to crash too much.

I finished a project for Principles of Biblical Study yesterday, it was quite a large one.  I had to analyze chapters 1-11 of Genesis in several different ways.  I'm glad that I'm learning to interpret the Bible, I feel lost sometimes.

I miss the people in Austria, they seem so distant!  It's only been a little over a month here, but it seems like a lot longer.  The weather suddenly became cold today, and there were even some snow flurries this afternoon while I was in class!

Until next time

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sick and tired of Wii already....

It seems every time I look at the digg headlines or at anything relating to video games, I find some new article on the Wii. From it's relatively inexpensive price to it's freakish motion-sensing ninja weapon controller, people can't seem to get enough on this new console.

In the beginning, there was the Revolution. It says everything I ever need to know about it- crazy new controller, backwards compatibility to the olden days, and all kinds of other features. Unfortunately, that system became the Wii, possibly the least hardcore name for a console ever. I wouldn't even name my dog "Wii", much less the system I would spend hours on, shooting Nazis or whatever creatures find their way into such games.

I guess when it comes down to it, i'm a sceptic of the Wii. The specs of the Wii aren't that impressive, and I think getting into playing Wii games will be more difficult. I mean, when I hand one of my friends an Xbox 360 controller, they can figure out what they're doing pretty quickly. I fear that with the motion sensing dimension, games will just become more complex and not neccisarily more enjoyable.

Good or bad, playable or frustrating, I just don't really want to hear about the Wii anymore.

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Sleep Time

Well, I worked my day off.  It was alright, at least I didn't have to close.  I'm excited that I only have 5 more days of work until I'm DONE!  Woot!  Well, after work I went to Steak 'n' Shake with some of my buddies who went to our Youth Group meeting that I couldn't go to.  I had a steakburger and a Carmel Turtle shake.  I love that thing, it has so much carmel, and chocolate, and nuts!  I'm never let down by it's delicousness.

I got to play some Lord of the Rings cards with my dad and Drew last night.  It was exciting to get to play cards, since I have conflicting schedules with my dad.  We built block decks and took a stroll down memory lane, all the way back to Fellowship.  Fun was had by all.

I still havn't finished Narnia.  Every time I read it, I get one chapter further, and there's not a whole lot left.

Oh yeah, after watching Fight Club, I decided that it's one of my favorite movies of all time, and that my current life philosophy and general "sieze the day" sort of thinking is somewhere between Fight Club and Dead Poets Society.  Go figure.

Well, I have to work again tomorrow, so hopefully that will go well.  And I really need to go shopping for some school stuff....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Almost at an end!

Oh summer, alas, I knew you well!  Well, after working a lot (lot) at Bob Evans over the summer, I feel like I've learned a lot of good life lessons.  Lesson number one, go to college and get a degree so you don't have to work at Bob Evans.  Number two, do not make a career out of washing dishes.  Number three, drugs will mess up your life.  Those are just a few examples, but really, I feel more connected to people in general.

Only 5 more work days left!

I am extremely excited to go back to school.  Most of my friends are gone or leaving soon, so there's not a whole lot else to do than wish I were back at school already.

I watched the movie Underworld: Evolution and also have been watching parodies of the upcoming Snakes on a Plane on YouTube and Google Videos.  I hadn't seen the first Underworld, so the convoluted, twisting, excessive storyline made little sense to me for about the first hour of the movie.  I finally pieced together enough of the story to understand what was going on, but in the end, it seemed like they just wanted to make up stuff to make another movie.  It wasn't particularly good, and so unless you were a big fan of the first one, I would say that it's a waste of time.  The mythalogical lore stuff about vampires and were-wolves is all interesting, but the action is the only really good part.

My favorite parody of Snakes so far is "Steaks on a Train" which I found while looking around.  There are other notable ones, but I think this one was probably the best I've seen.

I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with my wireless card on my computer to get it working with our network.  I've been having to plug it directly into the router to get it connected, which is a slight inconvenience.  Also, I still don't have my graphics card fully working with it, so Ubuntu still has some kinks to work out.

I'll be back with more random updates, stay tuned....

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I forgot to mention some of the movies that I have watched in the past few weeks.  I have seen so many that I forget what I've mentioned and what I havn't!  Pirates 2 was excellent, I can't wait for the last installment, Clerks 2 was raunchy (as expected) but, as Kevin Smith movies never fail to do, gave me an interesting new perspective on life, and You, Me, and Dupree was not nearly as stupid as I thought it would be and actually turned into an enjoyable movie.  Not a bad couple weeks.

Things have been CRAZY here for a while.  We lost power halfway through last week, and were part of the half of a million people without power in the St. Louis area.  Closing at Bob Evans was a nightmare!  Once we got power back on at work, we were swarmed with people throughout the weekend because everyone was seeking air conditioning and cooked food.

I worked through the week cause I had attended the Steubenville Youth Conference the weekend before.  It was absolutely AMAZING!  It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how much I learn or how much I think I progress in my faith that God always shows me how little I know and how much more I can do.  I really hope that some of the practical applications that I want to pick up become permanent.

Today is my back to work day, and I'm not really looking forward to it, but I know that I only have a few more weeks before I don't have to work anymore.  All of the management wants me to stay becuase they don't want to have to find a replacement.

Andrew is going up to Canada for a couple weeks, I don't know what I'm going to do without him over every other day.  Probably stare at the wall, or maybe post more frequently on my blog  :)

I'm still working on catching my music collection back up with it's pre-wipe status.  There's a lot of single songs I had accumulated from mix CDs that I miss, mostly dance music and good old songs.

It's been so hot here in good old Missouri.  Milk will probably not be a good choice of beverage if you care to venture outdoors.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

When in Rome...

So this week has been pretty good.  I've been taking it easy, other than work.  I finally decided to buy an Xbox 360, but figured out a responsible budget for myself for until I'm working again.  I restrained myself well, and only got one game.  I was playing a lot of Call of Duty 2, and I finally completed the single player campaign.  I liked that you fight on 3 different fronts, starting with the Russian, moving to the British in Africa, and ending with the Americans in France.  Now I'm moving on to play it on a harder difficulty, which should still be fun.

I rented the Need for Speed game, and spent a lot of time playing it.  I had played it on the PS2, but the Xbox 360 version was definately worth the prettyness.  The customization of cars is so thoruhough, its crazy!  My only complaints are that after playing Burnout for so long, it doesn't seem like you're going that fast in NFS, and the whole boost system isn't nearly as satisfying.  The other part is the lack of fully destructable cars, another small setback.  Other than that, police chases are very cool, and the game looks verrry nice!

I took a pretty big computer step this week, and switched to Linux.  It was kind of random and out of the blue, but I had been playing around with the Live CD, which lets you see if you like the OS before installing it, and I really did like it, so I took the leap and switched to Ubuntu.  Performance and speed are much, much better than Windows was for me, so I don't think I'll need to upgrade my RAM anymore!  Although it isn't quite as user-friendly as Windows, I have had quite a good experience with it so far, I'll keep you posted about new developments.

Peace up, A town down

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dinner... and a show!

Another day of work in the can.  Got paid, so there's some more money in the bank.  Today seemed like one of the longest days that I have had to work.  I don't really have a reason why, it wasn't particularly busy early on in the day, and later, although it was bustling, time seemed to drag out.

After hanging out with Adam last week, Andrew has been pestering me to buy an Xbox 360, even though I think I might rather get a new computer.  Its not really so much that there's anything wrong with my laptop, just that it craps out when I run all of the stuff that I like to run simulateously.  I like to browse the internet while listening to music and instant messaging, sometimes while watching movies on Google Videos or YouTube.  My computer doesn't like all of this, and most of the time slows down to a crawl.  Even just my internet browser by itself slows down terribly when I start opening new tabs to browse multiple sites.

I had been looking at and seriously considering the new MacBook.  It's so pretty, and is the kind of geek-ware that I am looking for.  At the same time, I don't know if I should just suck it up and stick with this computer for a while longer.  If I did, I could enjoy the gaming goodness that is Xbox 360.  I also have considered just adding a bit of RAM to my computer, which should make it a little bit more snappy with the applications and reduce the slowness.

I think the best thing to do for now is just wait and save.

I played Oblivion for a bit longer tonight.  It is such a fun game, and unlike any other I have ever played.  I like it much more than traditional RPGs, such as Final Fantasy or the like.  The open ended-ness of the game, full customization, and kickass graphics just make the game feel appealing to almost anyone.  I started my first game as an Acrobat, being agile and using my bow a lot, but then I decided to start a second game just to try something different, and chose a better fighter.  I found that this second character I created was way more fun and easy to use, so I guess another part of the game is finding out what works for you.

Well, Mass is in a couple hours, so I better get to sleep.  More on these subjects later!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hey There Sailor...

Well, it has once again been a while since I've updated the blog.  My apologies to Andrew and all other dissapointed parties.  This delay could be explained by a great many things, but lets just leave it at probable laziness.

Many things have come to pass in the last few weeks.  First, and most notably, my relationship with Laura has ended.  We are still trying to figure out wether we want to get back together or not, but I would ask that you pray for us to make the right decision.  I still don't know what the right outcome is, but I think that it will be made clearer in time.

I've been reading the famous Chronicles of Narnia.  I polished off the first book, The Magician's Nephew, and the second, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe a week ago, and had been reading the third book until I finished it last night.  So far, it has been much better than I remember it from when I was in 5th grade, or whichever grade I was in when I read it.  I recently had a conversation with a patron at Bob Evans about the book, and we were discussing how even though it is meant to be a children's book, anyone can find it enjoyable.  Good times!

My room has been in quite a dissarray for the last couple weeks.  There are Legos all over the floor from the day in which I decided I was going to build all of my old Lego sets  (which didn't quite happen)  I have been tripping on them and stubbing toes and such for many a moon!

I had the chance to see my old buddy Adam this week, and he took me to the magical, far away land of Xbox 360.  We had a rollicking good time shooting each other, defending bases, etc.

Also, it was nice to see all my old St. Marys buds last night.  We played Loaded Questions for a long time, that game is so fun, and always interesting!

Well, I think that's enough for this post, I hope I'll have some more soon, along with new pictures!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's late!

Well, I've been having problems getting to sleep at a reasonable time because its so easy for me to stay up late.  I don't have to go into work till 2 so I have become a late late night person.  I am pretty tired right now, but I figure that I should post something on here at least.

I really want to get a camera.  I don't care what kind or anything, I just think that I would be really good at taking random pictures, which I can easily post on here.  Random pictues and posting on here are both fun for me, and even though I still suck at staying regular on here, at least I'm semi-trying.

My day was excellent, this was my first day off in 8 days.  I spent most of my time playing games on the computer (mostly Oblivion) and then after my good buddy Seamus got off of work, we went and saw the DaVinci Code.  I'll admit, I am a Catechetics Major at Franciscan University, so I've heard all of the buzz about all of the bad stuff and negativeity in the movie, but I figured that I needed to see it for my self.  In the end, I don't know what all the hype is about to begin with!

I think I'll explain now.  First of all, the movie is reeeeally long.  Like, half an hour longer than it should be at least.  I was ready for the movie to be over, but it just kept on going.  I would have been fine with an ending at Newton's tomb, but hey, that's not what happened.

I kept finding plot holes  that I just couldn't get past.  If you're intending on seeing the movie, I don't reccomend you read this next part, you can skip to the end, i'll make spaces for you.

Ok, so what's the deal with not telling the girl about everything?  Why does she have to find it herself? (well, with the help of Tom Hanks all the way)  Why can't her grandmother tell her everything?  Why put her at risk throughout the whole stupid thing of getting captured, or killed?  It seems like this whole Templar group is inept at life, or at least of getting their act together.

The character that Tom Hanks plays is really, really weak.  I have not read the book, but after seeing the movie, I don't think that I would want to.  The movie script was poor, and only the twists near what I hoped was the end kept me intrigued.

Ok, rant over.  I would give this movie a 4 out of 10, it's redeeming factors being all of the cool on location scenes and such and the interesting plot twists.  (I also like the police officer dude who was also in Ronin)

I'll be off again tomorrow, but I don't know what I will be doing.  Maybe I'll start a new project, I really want something to work on that will make me feel like I accopmlished something this summer.

Until next time

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sooo tired...

So my good friend Andrew is making me post this because he's tired of seeing that post saying that I'm looking for a job, when I am actually not.

You see, I finally got a job last Friday, at Bob Evans. I work the dishtank in the back with all a couple of real characters. Its not a glamourous job, but at least I can work a lot, and have pretty good job security (i'm closer every night exept Wednesday and Thursday)

Other than working , I have been doing odd jobs and outside work for my dad and sleeping. I'm getting more excited for the Steubenville Conference, and I hope that all of the people in my group have a great time.

We will beat Timesplitters on Hard one day, I can assure you that....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I need a job....

Well, here I am again, still searching for a job. I filled out applications until my hands and brain were sore and have made calls to several places, but none of them have called me back yet. I feel that this process would be a lot easier if the people would just meet me. I think I could win over their trust and show them that I would be a great worker, but, alas, the hunt goes on.

My good buddy Sean came over last night to watch movies. We rented "Kung Fu Mahjong" and "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." I'm sure I'll have full reviews up on the website or forums within the next couple days, but in a nutshell, I liked Mahjong a lot more.

Things have been pretty slow around here since we got Oblivion. I find that I have been spending most of my free time playing it and watching movies. Its such a genuinely fun game!

More coming this week- God Bless!

Monday, May 22, 2006

I don't belive you.... Read the post below for details.
Back for Summer!

Apologies once again for my inability to keep updating my site. I really have to keep this up!

So much has happened since my last post. My sister and I packed up all of our belongings and brought them home, marking the end of our semester at FUS. I said goodbye to my roommate, who is going to be out of country next semester. I hope he and all of my friends who are going to Austria have a wonderful time, and that they bring back some chocolate for me!

My time at home has been mostly spent doing 2 things: hunting for a job and playing cards / video games. Of course there's all of the usual chores, cutting the grass and such, but so far this summer has been stellar. I have been going to our Youth Group weekly meetings, and I am really excited for the Stubie conference this summer! This is the first time that I feel like I can actually give back and help out a little bit, which is what I have always wanted to do.

My lovely Laura is so far away from me! Talking on the phone just doesn't seem to be enough to keep me sane for the whole summer. I already miss my friends from school, especially Jonathan, Mike, and Nate.

My room is still a mess from unloading stuff (even though I got home 2 weeks ago) and I guess I should clean it this week. I've been focused on finding a job, but so far, no dice.

I already started my summer tradition: watching as many movies as I can get my hands on. My sister and I started the season off with the original Ocean's 11 and the Count of Monte Cristo, and I saw Pitch Black and the Quiet American. I added a movie section to the forums, where I think it will be easier for me to keep up on the website while I'm home. Link is HERE

Until next time, enjoy summer!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Hello World...

Well, this is me at 1:09 in the morning, trying to work on a paper for Pollution in the Environment. I couldn't focus on what I'm supposed to be studying (the effects of pollutants on Venice) so I decided to update this wonderful blog.

I really don't know where to go with this post. So much has been happening here lately! I made Laura a board game for our combined 7 and 8 months together celebration. I think she enjoyed it a lot, and in addition to having a lot of fun playing, she also won! I was never good at oldschool board games anyway!

In recent news, I have been working on some things which I hope will provide fruitful in the long run. One is re-activating and re-vamping my old forum. I don't know exactly what I will use this for yet, but I hope that anyone who wants to talk or contact me can leave messeges there for now. I really want to start posting news type items on this blog and linking them to the forum to get some kind of activity going here, since I'm pretty much failing to attract the ammount of people that I did to my old blog.

I'm excited to go home! If anyone in St. Louis knows of any job openings, let me know!

Oh, by the way, the url to my message board is Right Here

Until further notice,

Thursday, April 20, 2006

One down, one to go.

Well, the history paper that I had been working on for the duration of yesterday, and into this morning, was turned in today. It was a short sigh of relief, though, because I have a Catechetics paper due tomorrow. The assignment is a Catechesis of a topic, which is basically the premise, essentials, and scriptural basis for an important Catholic teaching. They are a test of my ability to synthesize materials, which will be helpful for creating lesson plans later in life. I'm doing my Catechesis on Reconciliation, which has been a blast for me so far, but I don't have a whole lot done.

My roommate has made much progress in the Shadow of the Colossus game, which has been playing in my room almost continuously since it arrived. It really is a cool and innovative game, and I think the feel of it captures what it would be like to fight an ancient giant.

In other news, besides the load of work I have had this week, the weather has been lovely. All of the plants are budding or flowering, and the leaves on the trees are growing each day. I can no longer see down to the Ohio River out my window any more because of all of the green forming on the trees. The team I joined for ultimate Frisbee unfortunately had to forfeit all of its games because there was one person who wasn't official on the team yet who played in one of our games. Oh well...

It is still Easter, so things have been very joyous here, and I hope to do some more celebrating after all of my work is done.

Until next time, I hope your days are blessed with love and joy!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Its still Easter...

Well, my roomate has finally returned. He's been playing Shadow of the Colossus pretty much since he got back. His birthday was while he was home, and he also got a new nerf gun which pretty much rocks. (It shoots glow in the dark darts)

I've been working on my history paper, I'm doing it on the Chosin Reservoir Campaign from the Korean War. I really enjoy my class, but this paper has been very hard for me to do. I don't know how I'm going to finish all of my work, but hopefully it will get done.

I really need to go take a shower... so I think I will.

Until next time- you stay classy

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Christ has Risen! Alleluia!

Well, I spent this break at school, and I think it was an excellent decision. I very much enjoyed the events throughought the weekend, and the Easter Vigil was one of the coolest experiences that I have had here.

I saw the Passion on Thursday, and it was the first time I had ever seen the film. It is so powerful, and I love how the language is not English, I think it adds a whole other dimention to the movie. It's really easy when watching the movie to think of how that's actually how things took place, how Jesus actually took such a heart beating even before he was nailed to a cross. I think anyone who has seen the movie has been impacted by it. I know that one of the hardest parts for me was when Mary goes to Jesus when he falls. I was watching the movie with about 15 girls from the SOL houshold, and I think everyone was weeping, or at least leaking a bit.

The Easter Vigil was one of the most joyous occasions that I have ever been to. The point in the mass after the first 7 readings that cover salvation history was well done and powerful. It started with a trumpet playing the melody to the Gloria while the Fieldhouse was still dark, and then the lights came on and the cover was pulled off of the cross, showing a beautiful arrangement of flowers where Jesus was. The music was so beautiful, and I think everyone was moved inside.

I enjoyed a lovely Easter Brunch this morning with my family and my sister's household. I ate all kinds of delicious foods!

We went and saw a movie after Brunch, an apparant Sherwood tradition after major holidays. We saw "The Wild," which pretty much turned out to be a dud. The movie was very pretty and graphically well done, but the storyline, characters, and voices didn't really do anything for me. The storyline didn't really go anywhere, and to top it off, you could see where the story was going from the moment the movie started. I would probably give it a 3 out of 10, being that I have seen worse, and definately expect a lot more from Disney.

Well, that's all for this post, sorry that I havn't been keeping up, come back periodically, and click the ads on the page if you would like to support the "help Ken have money to take Laura out on a date" fund.

God Bless

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Tired no more

Well, it was really nice to be able to sleep in today. I havn't gotten very much sleep for the past week it seems, and today is the first day in a while that I have gotten more than 7 hours of sleep. Most of the days were spent up late working on a paper or studying.

Yesterday, I woke up early to participate in Immersion Day, a day when all the Catechetics majors get together and listen to talks from excellent speakers from all over the US. I went to the talks on teaching high school, and they were very good. Overall, the experience was rewarding.

Later in the evening, I watched The Mummy with my lovely girlfriend Laura. It was a pretty sweet movie. I loved the balance between suspense and anti-suspense which insured that all of the cursed people would die, but which took about half an hour. Special effects were amazing and the story was well written and acted. It was one of the best action movies I have seen in a while. The sets in the movie are awesome, and I really felt like all of the scenery was believable.

My roomate has been gone all weekend, leaving me with ample opportunities to hang out with Laura. We played an old-school game, Mickey's World of Illusion, in which we worked together to defeat the forces of evil. We finally beat it today, which was so very exciting. This was the first time that Laura had beaten a full length video game! She is now addited. She proceeded to try out Aladin, another favorite.

Well, that's all for this post, untill next time- you stay classy, world...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Wonders of the Internet

Well, I have spent a fair ammount of time trying to get my domain hoster to switch over to my new googlepages site, but it won't let me because it says the URL may promote racism. Wow. Did I miss something?

Anyways, things have been going well on this day. History was exciting as usual, and Catechetics was as exciting as ever. I can't describe how happy I am in my history class. It's like every time is story time, always involving some hilarious lines.

I spent as much time outside today as I could, and as a result, I am pretty psyched about life right now. Its so nice to finally get out there and not hurry because I'm worried about freezing to death.

The sequel to one of my favorite PS2 games just came out, Kingdom Hearts II. The concept for these games is a fusion between Disney characters and movies and characters from famous Squaresoft games. Gotta love playing with Donald and Goofy.

Feedback on how the site is progressing would be greatly appreciated, drop me a line at or leave a comment here.

God Bless
Glorious Life...

Well, I've still been working on the transition, and hopefully people who have been looking for my page have found it. The old journal won't be getting any more posts, so make sure to update any links or favorites you have to My New Homepage and also, of course, This Blog.

Well, life in Steubenville has been exciting. There has been a change in the temperature, getting into the 70s during the day. Because it's been bitterly cold all winter, the students here at Franciscan all get outside whenever it's nice. Frisbee is popular, and so is the classic hacky sack. Yesterday, I had a Nerf gun fight in the courtyard with my roomie Mike and the viscious Ann. It was truly a fun time, and nice to run around for a bit and get some energy out.

I had been sick for the last weekend and most of the week, but I'm finally better now. I took Laura out last night for some of the best dining- Taco Bell. After I got myself a dang quesadilla, I ate with reckless abandon. I also sucked down 2 large Baja Blast Mountain Dews, a decision that would later turn out to be both good and bad.

First the bad: I really had to go to the bathroom upon leaving. Why does it always happen after leaving somewhere? Well anyways, the good was that the super-caffination helped me to stay up and work on my History prospectus. I'm writing about the Korean War, specifically the Chosin Reservoir campaign. Good times.

My roomate and my friends have become nearly obsessed with a free game called Super Mario War in which you have to take your micro mario and stomp on people. The best features of the game are that it features the original Mario music and none other than the Unreal Tournament Announcer! It's amazing, Mario stomps Luigi and you hear "Double Kill!" or "Killing Spree!" Probably one of the funniest games I have ever played.

My friends are also hooked on Genesis games. My roomate was playing an old topscrolling flying game yesterday, and we gathered quite a crowd to watch in my room.

I'm pretty excited about the fact that Easter is coming and all that jazz.

Well, that should be enough for one post. Until next time, you stay classy... internet.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Me being silly at Mel's Birthday Bash!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Well this is my favorite post... wait, my first post. Things happen quickly in good old Steubenville. I think that I'm going to use this blog to talk about stuff from the news, and tomorrow sounds like a good time to start.

good day to you,