Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dinner... and a show!

Another day of work in the can.  Got paid, so there's some more money in the bank.  Today seemed like one of the longest days that I have had to work.  I don't really have a reason why, it wasn't particularly busy early on in the day, and later, although it was bustling, time seemed to drag out.

After hanging out with Adam last week, Andrew has been pestering me to buy an Xbox 360, even though I think I might rather get a new computer.  Its not really so much that there's anything wrong with my laptop, just that it craps out when I run all of the stuff that I like to run simulateously.  I like to browse the internet while listening to music and instant messaging, sometimes while watching movies on Google Videos or YouTube.  My computer doesn't like all of this, and most of the time slows down to a crawl.  Even just my internet browser by itself slows down terribly when I start opening new tabs to browse multiple sites.

I had been looking at and seriously considering the new MacBook.  It's so pretty, and is the kind of geek-ware that I am looking for.  At the same time, I don't know if I should just suck it up and stick with this computer for a while longer.  If I did, I could enjoy the gaming goodness that is Xbox 360.  I also have considered just adding a bit of RAM to my computer, which should make it a little bit more snappy with the applications and reduce the slowness.

I think the best thing to do for now is just wait and save.

I played Oblivion for a bit longer tonight.  It is such a fun game, and unlike any other I have ever played.  I like it much more than traditional RPGs, such as Final Fantasy or the like.  The open ended-ness of the game, full customization, and kickass graphics just make the game feel appealing to almost anyone.  I started my first game as an Acrobat, being agile and using my bow a lot, but then I decided to start a second game just to try something different, and chose a better fighter.  I found that this second character I created was way more fun and easy to use, so I guess another part of the game is finding out what works for you.

Well, Mass is in a couple hours, so I better get to sleep.  More on these subjects later!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hey There Sailor...

Well, it has once again been a while since I've updated the blog.  My apologies to Andrew and all other dissapointed parties.  This delay could be explained by a great many things, but lets just leave it at probable laziness.

Many things have come to pass in the last few weeks.  First, and most notably, my relationship with Laura has ended.  We are still trying to figure out wether we want to get back together or not, but I would ask that you pray for us to make the right decision.  I still don't know what the right outcome is, but I think that it will be made clearer in time.

I've been reading the famous Chronicles of Narnia.  I polished off the first book, The Magician's Nephew, and the second, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe a week ago, and had been reading the third book until I finished it last night.  So far, it has been much better than I remember it from when I was in 5th grade, or whichever grade I was in when I read it.  I recently had a conversation with a patron at Bob Evans about the book, and we were discussing how even though it is meant to be a children's book, anyone can find it enjoyable.  Good times!

My room has been in quite a dissarray for the last couple weeks.  There are Legos all over the floor from the day in which I decided I was going to build all of my old Lego sets  (which didn't quite happen)  I have been tripping on them and stubbing toes and such for many a moon!

I had the chance to see my old buddy Adam this week, and he took me to the magical, far away land of Xbox 360.  We had a rollicking good time shooting each other, defending bases, etc.

Also, it was nice to see all my old St. Marys buds last night.  We played Loaded Questions for a long time, that game is so fun, and always interesting!

Well, I think that's enough for this post, I hope I'll have some more soon, along with new pictures!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's late!

Well, I've been having problems getting to sleep at a reasonable time because its so easy for me to stay up late.  I don't have to go into work till 2 so I have become a late late night person.  I am pretty tired right now, but I figure that I should post something on here at least.

I really want to get a camera.  I don't care what kind or anything, I just think that I would be really good at taking random pictures, which I can easily post on here.  Random pictues and posting on here are both fun for me, and even though I still suck at staying regular on here, at least I'm semi-trying.

My day was excellent, this was my first day off in 8 days.  I spent most of my time playing games on the computer (mostly Oblivion) and then after my good buddy Seamus got off of work, we went and saw the DaVinci Code.  I'll admit, I am a Catechetics Major at Franciscan University, so I've heard all of the buzz about all of the bad stuff and negativeity in the movie, but I figured that I needed to see it for my self.  In the end, I don't know what all the hype is about to begin with!

I think I'll explain now.  First of all, the movie is reeeeally long.  Like, half an hour longer than it should be at least.  I was ready for the movie to be over, but it just kept on going.  I would have been fine with an ending at Newton's tomb, but hey, that's not what happened.

I kept finding plot holes  that I just couldn't get past.  If you're intending on seeing the movie, I don't reccomend you read this next part, you can skip to the end, i'll make spaces for you.

Ok, so what's the deal with not telling the girl about everything?  Why does she have to find it herself? (well, with the help of Tom Hanks all the way)  Why can't her grandmother tell her everything?  Why put her at risk throughout the whole stupid thing of getting captured, or killed?  It seems like this whole Templar group is inept at life, or at least of getting their act together.

The character that Tom Hanks plays is really, really weak.  I have not read the book, but after seeing the movie, I don't think that I would want to.  The movie script was poor, and only the twists near what I hoped was the end kept me intrigued.

Ok, rant over.  I would give this movie a 4 out of 10, it's redeeming factors being all of the cool on location scenes and such and the interesting plot twists.  (I also like the police officer dude who was also in Ronin)

I'll be off again tomorrow, but I don't know what I will be doing.  Maybe I'll start a new project, I really want something to work on that will make me feel like I accopmlished something this summer.

Until next time

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sooo tired...

So my good friend Andrew is making me post this because he's tired of seeing that post saying that I'm looking for a job, when I am actually not.

You see, I finally got a job last Friday, at Bob Evans. I work the dishtank in the back with all a couple of real characters. Its not a glamourous job, but at least I can work a lot, and have pretty good job security (i'm closer every night exept Wednesday and Thursday)

Other than working , I have been doing odd jobs and outside work for my dad and sleeping. I'm getting more excited for the Steubenville Conference, and I hope that all of the people in my group have a great time.

We will beat Timesplitters on Hard one day, I can assure you that....