Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sick and tired of Wii already....

It seems every time I look at the digg headlines or at anything relating to video games, I find some new article on the Wii. From it's relatively inexpensive price to it's freakish motion-sensing ninja weapon controller, people can't seem to get enough on this new console.

In the beginning, there was the Revolution. It says everything I ever need to know about it- crazy new controller, backwards compatibility to the olden days, and all kinds of other features. Unfortunately, that system became the Wii, possibly the least hardcore name for a console ever. I wouldn't even name my dog "Wii", much less the system I would spend hours on, shooting Nazis or whatever creatures find their way into such games.

I guess when it comes down to it, i'm a sceptic of the Wii. The specs of the Wii aren't that impressive, and I think getting into playing Wii games will be more difficult. I mean, when I hand one of my friends an Xbox 360 controller, they can figure out what they're doing pretty quickly. I fear that with the motion sensing dimension, games will just become more complex and not neccisarily more enjoyable.

Good or bad, playable or frustrating, I just don't really want to hear about the Wii anymore.

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