Well, I have spent a fair ammount of time trying to get my domain hoster to switch precioustaters.tk over to my new googlepages site, but it won't let me because it says the URL may promote racism. Wow. Did I miss something?
Anyways, things have been going well on this day. History was exciting as usual, and Catechetics was as exciting as ever. I can't describe how happy I am in my history class. It's like every time is story time, always involving some hilarious lines.
I spent as much time outside today as I could, and as a result, I am pretty psyched about life right now. Its so nice to finally get out there and not hurry because I'm worried about freezing to death.
The sequel to one of my favorite PS2 games just came out, Kingdom Hearts II. The concept for these games is a fusion between Disney characters and movies and characters from famous Squaresoft games. Gotta love playing with Donald and Goofy.
Feedback on how the site is progressing would be greatly appreciated, drop me a line at precioustaters@gmail.com or leave a comment here.
God Bless
Anyways, things have been going well on this day. History was exciting as usual, and Catechetics was as exciting as ever. I can't describe how happy I am in my history class. It's like every time is story time, always involving some hilarious lines.
I spent as much time outside today as I could, and as a result, I am pretty psyched about life right now. Its so nice to finally get out there and not hurry because I'm worried about freezing to death.
The sequel to one of my favorite PS2 games just came out, Kingdom Hearts II. The concept for these games is a fusion between Disney characters and movies and characters from famous Squaresoft games. Gotta love playing with Donald and Goofy.
Feedback on how the site is progressing would be greatly appreciated, drop me a line at precioustaters@gmail.com or leave a comment here.
God Bless
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