Thursday, June 08, 2006

It's late!

Well, I've been having problems getting to sleep at a reasonable time because its so easy for me to stay up late.  I don't have to go into work till 2 so I have become a late late night person.  I am pretty tired right now, but I figure that I should post something on here at least.

I really want to get a camera.  I don't care what kind or anything, I just think that I would be really good at taking random pictures, which I can easily post on here.  Random pictues and posting on here are both fun for me, and even though I still suck at staying regular on here, at least I'm semi-trying.

My day was excellent, this was my first day off in 8 days.  I spent most of my time playing games on the computer (mostly Oblivion) and then after my good buddy Seamus got off of work, we went and saw the DaVinci Code.  I'll admit, I am a Catechetics Major at Franciscan University, so I've heard all of the buzz about all of the bad stuff and negativeity in the movie, but I figured that I needed to see it for my self.  In the end, I don't know what all the hype is about to begin with!

I think I'll explain now.  First of all, the movie is reeeeally long.  Like, half an hour longer than it should be at least.  I was ready for the movie to be over, but it just kept on going.  I would have been fine with an ending at Newton's tomb, but hey, that's not what happened.

I kept finding plot holes  that I just couldn't get past.  If you're intending on seeing the movie, I don't reccomend you read this next part, you can skip to the end, i'll make spaces for you.

Ok, so what's the deal with not telling the girl about everything?  Why does she have to find it herself? (well, with the help of Tom Hanks all the way)  Why can't her grandmother tell her everything?  Why put her at risk throughout the whole stupid thing of getting captured, or killed?  It seems like this whole Templar group is inept at life, or at least of getting their act together.

The character that Tom Hanks plays is really, really weak.  I have not read the book, but after seeing the movie, I don't think that I would want to.  The movie script was poor, and only the twists near what I hoped was the end kept me intrigued.

Ok, rant over.  I would give this movie a 4 out of 10, it's redeeming factors being all of the cool on location scenes and such and the interesting plot twists.  (I also like the police officer dude who was also in Ronin)

I'll be off again tomorrow, but I don't know what I will be doing.  Maybe I'll start a new project, I really want something to work on that will make me feel like I accopmlished something this summer.

Until next time

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