Thursday, April 20, 2006

One down, one to go.

Well, the history paper that I had been working on for the duration of yesterday, and into this morning, was turned in today. It was a short sigh of relief, though, because I have a Catechetics paper due tomorrow. The assignment is a Catechesis of a topic, which is basically the premise, essentials, and scriptural basis for an important Catholic teaching. They are a test of my ability to synthesize materials, which will be helpful for creating lesson plans later in life. I'm doing my Catechesis on Reconciliation, which has been a blast for me so far, but I don't have a whole lot done.

My roommate has made much progress in the Shadow of the Colossus game, which has been playing in my room almost continuously since it arrived. It really is a cool and innovative game, and I think the feel of it captures what it would be like to fight an ancient giant.

In other news, besides the load of work I have had this week, the weather has been lovely. All of the plants are budding or flowering, and the leaves on the trees are growing each day. I can no longer see down to the Ohio River out my window any more because of all of the green forming on the trees. The team I joined for ultimate Frisbee unfortunately had to forfeit all of its games because there was one person who wasn't official on the team yet who played in one of our games. Oh well...

It is still Easter, so things have been very joyous here, and I hope to do some more celebrating after all of my work is done.

Until next time, I hope your days are blessed with love and joy!

1 comment:

Mike said...

For all those who have been waiting with bated breath for me to beat Shadow of the Colossus... It has been done! Woo Hoo. Just in time too... now for my huge paper!
