Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The tiredness

I had my 8 oclock morning class again today, which is really great and enjoyable, other than the time. It's a totally different take on scripture than my other Biblical studies class, so it's good to have multiple perspectives. We talk a lot in this class about what's appropriate to teach in Catechesis relating to Scripture and what the difference is between Theological discussion of the Bible. Very cool stuff.

My Christology class this semester is much better than last time I took it. Last time I had a different teacher, and ended up withdrawing from the course because she was "special" and I felt like I wasn't learning. These things happen I suppose. My new teacher gives a lot of good examples and makes me feel like I have a good grasp of what we are talking about- something new and different!

My roomate is totally and disgustingly sick, even after taking airbourne for 2 days. Ug. I hope I don't get sick, but have been fortifying my body with vitamins, minerals, and other healthy foods. Woot!

Everyone who went on the march came back late last night, exhausted but having fun stories of what sounds like was a great trip. I myself enjoyed talking to Laura in Austria for a couple hours over the last couple days. Ooh, and Prison Break was on last night! I don't want to ruin anything, but I'm really excited about this show, it seems like the craziness level of the show shot back up to where it was before things started slowing down with the capture of the brothers. Woot! Also I watched the new Battlestar Galactica, which was amazing and action filled, with unexpected twists and new plot lines! Go Dee!

I had a meeting with my group from my Saints class about our upcoming project, and I am excited. We're going to do some combination of powerpoint and a handout for our visual aid, and our subject matter has to be (what else) but Saints! We have to pick a group that has something in common, so I think we're picking Kings/Rulers. It should be a good exercise in making presentations for class one day.

I haven't read much more of the Aeneid since I was home. I find at school there's always so much going on that I have a hard time reading non-course material. My time slips away, but I enjoy my time here a lot.

Have a blessed day, and talk to ya soon!

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Major Update

Sorry for my last post to whom it concerns... I'm silly sometimes.

So blogger got an update, and so did my blog along with it. I added a link to my iSound page, so you can go listen to my music directly from my blog, or go visit my page over there. Most of this music is from a couple years ago, but i'm sure I'll be working on it more soon.

I finished my work from over break, and so now I venture back to school. I have many exciting (and questionable) classes this semester, highlighted by a night class with Sr. and an eight in the morning class. Ug.

I finished packing and loading up the car, but the delicious food I ate earlier is no longer providing me with filling. I have had so many good times over break, too many to mention! From awkward goodness with my sister in a comic shop (on a scale from 1 to awkward, it scored a 23) to a smashing New Years Eve party, this break has been an enjoyable and enlightening time. I've finished off every season of Battlestar Galactica, Prison Break, The Office, The Amazing Race, and am now catching up on Lost. Great shows.

I have to wake up at 5 in the morning. Sick.

Have a lovely day

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