Hello again friends, I decided to do my writeup from Friday while I had some free time. I'm gonna start with the new updated list that I played at FNM to put the rest of the week and the new awesomeness in perspective. So without any delay I present:
Beach House v.2.0
4 Tidehollow Sculler
3 Dauntless Escort
3 Kor Hookmaster
4 Emeria Angel
4 Baneslayer Angel
4 Honor of the Pure
4Maelstrom Pulse
4 Journey to Nowhere
2 Behemoth Sledge
4 Day of Judgment
1 Path to Exile
4 Swamp
4 Forest
6 Plains
4 Marsh Flats
2 Verdant Catacombs
4 Sunpetal Grove
3 Relic of Progenitus
4 Celestial Purge
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Lapse of Certainty
The revamped sideboard was put together about 10 minutes before starting time, and it had a lot of goodness. I didn't want to use the prevention effects like Harm's Way and Brave the Elements in this deck because now it's playing like a control deck and the creature count is way down. It's better for me to spend that slot on removal and deal with their creatures until I can get one to stick.
One obvious strange quirk is the singleton Path in the mainboard. It was basically crunch time and I had already committed to playing Journey to Nowhere since it does the same thing without rewarding my opponent. I forgot that the list was 61 cards, or else I probably would have cut this, but hey, maybe I'll leave it in.
Mainboard DoJ and Baneslayer won lots of games in testing so I felt pretty good.
Round 1: Finest Hour Bant
Game one is strange game. He drops Hierarch, passes, then he drop Hierarch and a Bird of Paradise. He then proceeds to play finest hour turn 3 and swing with the Bird for 9. Holy crap that's some bird damage! I am able to Journey the bird and run out sacrificial creatures until he gets another bird. I go to 1 life and topdeck the Baneslayer nutsface. 30 dollar card steals the game.
Game two he gets Rafiq, then after I kill it plays Rafiq, then after I kill it gets a Rafiq to stick. The eventual topdecked Baneslayer shuts him down again.
Round 2: Mono Red Burn
Playing against Kyle's mono-red concoction. He gets early damage in with burn and hasty elementals. Tidehollow Sculler is tech when he runs out of burn and Maelstrom Pulse makes sure that his enchantment to get a 7/1 with haste never gets online.
Second game I am able to keep myself above 10 life for the whole game and an eventual 7/7 Baneslayer off of dual Honor of the Pure is good enough to kill most people.
Round 3: Black Control
Playing against Rob, I'm pretty sure he was mana screwed the first game. Duress was painful but I got the removal when I needed it. He Haunting Echoes my graveyard to get rid of some good stuff, but no Baneslayers or DoJ's. Some creatures pushed through and I barely got there.
Game two I get two Tidehollows online and that shuts things down fairly well. Timing is good from my cards and Hookmasters tempo out the few creatures he is able to get down after the hand disruption.
Round 4: Soldiers
I played against Adam and we couldn't draw because it was going to 5 rounds and there were several undefeated people. I really don't remember how this match went, but we decided that we would split the winnings from the night regardless of how things turned out.
Either he won the first and I won two in a row or he won the middle game, I can't remember. I do remember that he had to mull down to 5 in the last game and still couldn't find the mana he needed, so tough breaks for the solders.
Round 5: Soldiers
I love playing against soldiers! Given the amount of complaining I did when Kithkin were around, my absolute hatred for these white guys is probably unmatched. I get ready for a tough game, Isaiah is the pilot.
The defining moment for this match was game three when I was freaking out because he had about 8 guys on the board, and I had 2 Tidehollow Scullers and a Dauntless Escort. I draw a DoJ, wipe his side, equip a Behemoth Sledge and turn the tide. Next card is another Sledge and soon its ridiculous. It was all luck and topdeck at that point, but hey DoJ is totally worth it.
1st place 5-0, I was on top of the world. I really needed this, I was really feeling down about MTG after the PTQ and evaluating my financial status. We went to Dennys afterwords and shenanigans were had. And our first server was creepy.
So my question to you is this: should I take out the maindeck path? Should I put Path back in? Also any commentary on other cards is appreciated.

Beach House v.2.0
4 Tidehollow Sculler
3 Dauntless Escort
3 Kor Hookmaster
4 Emeria Angel
4 Baneslayer Angel
4 Honor of the Pure
4Maelstrom Pulse
4 Journey to Nowhere
2 Behemoth Sledge
4 Day of Judgment
1 Path to Exile
4 Swamp
4 Forest
6 Plains
4 Marsh Flats
2 Verdant Catacombs
4 Sunpetal Grove
3 Relic of Progenitus
4 Celestial Purge
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Lapse of Certainty
The revamped sideboard was put together about 10 minutes before starting time, and it had a lot of goodness. I didn't want to use the prevention effects like Harm's Way and Brave the Elements in this deck because now it's playing like a control deck and the creature count is way down. It's better for me to spend that slot on removal and deal with their creatures until I can get one to stick.
One obvious strange quirk is the singleton Path in the mainboard. It was basically crunch time and I had already committed to playing Journey to Nowhere since it does the same thing without rewarding my opponent. I forgot that the list was 61 cards, or else I probably would have cut this, but hey, maybe I'll leave it in.
Mainboard DoJ and Baneslayer won lots of games in testing so I felt pretty good.
Round 1: Finest Hour Bant
Game one is strange game. He drops Hierarch, passes, then he drop Hierarch and a Bird of Paradise. He then proceeds to play finest hour turn 3 and swing with the Bird for 9. Holy crap that's some bird damage! I am able to Journey the bird and run out sacrificial creatures until he gets another bird. I go to 1 life and topdeck the Baneslayer nutsface. 30 dollar card steals the game.
Game two he gets Rafiq, then after I kill it plays Rafiq, then after I kill it gets a Rafiq to stick. The eventual topdecked Baneslayer shuts him down again.
Round 2: Mono Red Burn
Playing against Kyle's mono-red concoction. He gets early damage in with burn and hasty elementals. Tidehollow Sculler is tech when he runs out of burn and Maelstrom Pulse makes sure that his enchantment to get a 7/1 with haste never gets online.
Second game I am able to keep myself above 10 life for the whole game and an eventual 7/7 Baneslayer off of dual Honor of the Pure is good enough to kill most people.
Round 3: Black Control
Playing against Rob, I'm pretty sure he was mana screwed the first game. Duress was painful but I got the removal when I needed it. He Haunting Echoes my graveyard to get rid of some good stuff, but no Baneslayers or DoJ's. Some creatures pushed through and I barely got there.
Game two I get two Tidehollows online and that shuts things down fairly well. Timing is good from my cards and Hookmasters tempo out the few creatures he is able to get down after the hand disruption.
Round 4: Soldiers
I played against Adam and we couldn't draw because it was going to 5 rounds and there were several undefeated people. I really don't remember how this match went, but we decided that we would split the winnings from the night regardless of how things turned out.
Either he won the first and I won two in a row or he won the middle game, I can't remember. I do remember that he had to mull down to 5 in the last game and still couldn't find the mana he needed, so tough breaks for the solders.
Round 5: Soldiers
I love playing against soldiers! Given the amount of complaining I did when Kithkin were around, my absolute hatred for these white guys is probably unmatched. I get ready for a tough game, Isaiah is the pilot.
The defining moment for this match was game three when I was freaking out because he had about 8 guys on the board, and I had 2 Tidehollow Scullers and a Dauntless Escort. I draw a DoJ, wipe his side, equip a Behemoth Sledge and turn the tide. Next card is another Sledge and soon its ridiculous. It was all luck and topdeck at that point, but hey DoJ is totally worth it.
1st place 5-0, I was on top of the world. I really needed this, I was really feeling down about MTG after the PTQ and evaluating my financial status. We went to Dennys afterwords and shenanigans were had. And our first server was creepy.
So my question to you is this: should I take out the maindeck path? Should I put Path back in? Also any commentary on other cards is appreciated.

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