Monday, September 03, 2007

Teh Hax

So it's been quite a week. Classes were good, even work was pretty good. I read some Walt Whitman, which was pretty eye-opening. Even though I don't believe in his view of religion and spirituality, I really got a lot out the symbolism and power of his poetry. It's kind of refreshing to branch out with my reading- I've been reading too much Crichton this summer and not enough variety. I enjoyed reading the sum of Crichton's works, but he tends to write the same book over and over, with only the local, characters, and fine details changing. It's not a terrible thing, but I realized that I needed a bit of variety.

I'm going to Ohio to visit Steubie on Friday, which is AMAZING! I've been looking forward to this for some time now, and I really miss everyone at school. I got a jacket this week that is totally sweet- a TMNT track jacket. I wanted to get one last year, but had no money to do so. Awesome.

I fix computers, for anyone who needs repairs. And I work pretty cheap. So yeah.

More on this and else later!

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