Sunday, December 02, 2007

Another one Down

So the semester is almost at a close- only 2 more classes to go. This has been an odd time for me, and a very strange semester. I guess it has been good to be at home and work some, but I'm just ready to see my friends. I miss everyone at FUS so much- I didn't realize how much I rely on them. Not only have my friendships become strained, but my life in general as well.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing. I have such a limited life here at home- go to school, go to work, sleep, eat, rinse and repeat. Even the things I do in my free time are somewhat fulfilling- video games only take me so far without friends. Music is good as always, but just feel trapped here.

Christmas is just around the corner, and I need to do some shopping. My favorite jeans are ripped up beyond recognition, and I have unofficially retired them. I might still wear them once or twice, but I really need to go get some new jeans. I wanted to go shopping this weekend, but unforeseen events led to a lack of shopping. Soon!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another post

I'm sooooooo far behind in my blogging that it's not even funny. I think I need a big sign to remind me to go on here- I'm online so much, and yet I never can remember to do it! Not that there's a whole lot of traffic on here anyway, but that's besides the point. I'm trying to jumpstart something on the other site, anotherpwn, but I still lack direction. I always seem to lack direction whenever making something new- that's why I need to team up with someone. I'm good at making ideas, but my actual artistic ability and drive is much less without someone else. Oh well.

Only a couple more weeks (7 I think) until the semester ends. I am trying to get back to FUS, so hopefully that happens!

I'm taking a trip with one of my friends to Truman this weekend. I'm really excited to see my friends who I havn't seen in months. I've been meaning to take this trip for a long time, and I'm so glad that I finally can! I'm not excited, however, about having to ask off work! I know it will be ok.

By the way, the last post was original poetry, just in case there was any confusion. I was kind of depressed (no really!) but I think I'm mostly better/ok now. Things have progressed in my life to a point where I'm at least comfortable with my position. Being single is kind of weird, and it's my first time significantly single in 4 years. I think it has been good time to consider what I want out of life, and what life wants out of me.

Peace and love!

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

And now for something completely different

Into the pieces from form
Unrecognizable, even from self
Twisted and broken into new

Dark and deepening
Lower to rest not coming
Even sleep is robbed

Insatiable like desire
Still waiting for recourse
Undying but unfulfilled

Painful still, but soon reminding
Everything is for Your Glory
Can this journey be accomplished
Will strength come and visit me
If I give my last remaining part

Of my broken self

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Day of Labor

Happy Labor Day to everyone. I enjoyed my day off with my father and family. I finally got to see Rush Hour 3, which was just about how I expected it to be- good Chan action, a couple of laughs thrown in for good measure. Then it was Chinese food for dinner (Sesame Chicken w/fried rice) and now relaxing and watching some TV. I have to do some reading eventually for class tomorrow, but for now, it's good to take a break.

Steubenville in 4 days, birthday in a week. It's an exciting time for me, and that's just about all I can say. My dad started watching Firefly, and he liked it too. It makes me wish that my other favorite tv shows would just come back on already. Prison Break isn't for another 2 weeks I think, and everything else is after that. Soon enough though, soon enough.


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Teh Hax

So it's been quite a week. Classes were good, even work was pretty good. I read some Walt Whitman, which was pretty eye-opening. Even though I don't believe in his view of religion and spirituality, I really got a lot out the symbolism and power of his poetry. It's kind of refreshing to branch out with my reading- I've been reading too much Crichton this summer and not enough variety. I enjoyed reading the sum of Crichton's works, but he tends to write the same book over and over, with only the local, characters, and fine details changing. It's not a terrible thing, but I realized that I needed a bit of variety.

I'm going to Ohio to visit Steubie on Friday, which is AMAZING! I've been looking forward to this for some time now, and I really miss everyone at school. I got a jacket this week that is totally sweet- a TMNT track jacket. I wanted to get one last year, but had no money to do so. Awesome.

I fix computers, for anyone who needs repairs. And I work pretty cheap. So yeah.

More on this and else later!

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Thursday, August 30, 2007


So the funny thing about staying up to late is that no matter what you do, you have to deal with the lack of sleep when you wake up. This is particularly disgruntling since I must mow the lawn upon waking, followed by homework and class. Sometimes you just wish that you had some more time to sleep.

I spent at least 2 hours trying to figure out why my Xbox couldn't connect to the internet anymore. I do a thing where I connect it to my laptop, then use the laptop's wireless to connect to the internet. Complicated, but cheaper than buying the 90 dollar adapter that they sell for it. I've been using this method for the last year, but after updating my windows software, it suddenly stopped working. Apparently Microsoft doesn't think that connection sharing is important anymore, but I must beg to differ. This is all problematic because Andrew just gave me a birthday present- a 13 month subscription to Xbox Live, which I was just itching to get started on. Alas, it will have to wait until I can figure something out.

So now I'm trying to do a system restore, to find out what happened so that gameplay can resume as normal. Urg.

School has been interesting. Doing Math again after not having Math for 3 years is kind of weird. Most of it I remember, but I'm definitely rusty in practice. I'm glad that I'm doing something different, and even though it's not easy, I know it's good for the long run.

Mom has been asking me about making her website, so I guess I need to learn about html and web hosting. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm trying.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully I'll do even more posting soon!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hey Andrew, here you go.

Summer has been good for me so far- lots of work, but it's worth it for the money. I've been catching up on my usual 3 movies from the library a week, so that's fun. Last week's winner was Corpse Bride, which I loved. This week, I was excited to find Little Miss Sunshine, a movie that I had wanted to see, but never managed to see when it was out in theaters. I'll be watching it sometime that isn't tonight, cause it's kind of late.

Thanks to everyone who clicks my links- I'm halfway there! With your help and another 80 clicks or so, I'll actually make money from running the blog. I know I usually don't have anything interesting to say about my life these days, but I figure if I post a little snippit about my life, and then link to some of my news from the day, maybe I'll do it more often.

This video makes Daft Punk look like a bunch of noobs- Stevie Wonder

So that's it for today- tune in next time for more good stuff, and don't forget to keep on clicking.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Stuff- and things!

So it's been a while again since I did this updating thing. It's hard when I don't feel like much is going on in my life, but in reality so much has happened. I've been working 40 hour weeks at Bob's, which is nice for the hours, but kind of rough on everything else. My schedule is not conducive to seeing family much nor friends. I try to keep up with everything, but find myself failing to see everyone.

I can't wait for Laura to come home- only one week left!  Woo hoo!

Not much else to report- been playing lots of cards in my free time with my dad and Andrew. I see my adviser for classes this week, so that's good too. My classes are all going to be very basic, so hopefully it will be an easy semester, and I'm going to keep working too.

May God Bless ya all!

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Have you ever heard the song Peace of Mind by Boston? Cause that's the only song that's been running through my head the last couple days. Well, that and the other million Boston songs that I've heard.

Things have been ok, even though I guess today has just been an off day for me. I feel kind of distant today- I probably need to get more sleep. Sleep is good. Clearly, since its almost 5 and I'm still awake, I am not going to get enough sleep tonight. I watched 2 movies tonight, Flight of the Phoenix and Blue Streak. The first was a dud, and the second one was enjoyable. I wore my new shoes today, which was pretty exciting for me. Ah, the small pleasures of life.

Lt. Dan Riordan, who was a rolemodel and leader of mine, died in Iraq recently. The loss of his life has really brought it home to me in a way I hadn't understood before. I pray for the safety of all servicemen, that they will return home to their families. We will all miss Dan's enthusiasm for giving everything for his country.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm so confused from the snow- this was during Easter Break.
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Well, I moved the blog back to kenflipkick after a while for a couple reasons, and so here it is again. My blog program just changed recently, so thats why my last post was a little messy before I cleaned it up a bit. Technology is quite a lovely thing, but sometimes it can be frustrating.

I have the finals coming up soon, even though I'm still trying to deny it to myself. All of my projects except for one are turned in, so it's almost smooth sailing. It's hard to believe that the semester is done already, but I am more glad than I have ever been before for school to be over. This has been by far the hardest and most stress filled semester I have experienced.

I found Firefly (a tv show) a little while back, and I have to say that it is truly one of the best shows I've ever seen. Unfortunately, FOX had aired the episodes out of order and subsequently cancelled the show after one season- another reason why it is one of my least favorite stations. The only thing they really have for me any more is Prison Break, and its showing signs of its length. I like shows that develop characters and relations, but sometimes its best not to run a show into the ground just to keep it going.

I had a lovely time with some friends tonight, bringing some joy to the workers of the Taco Bell in Steubenville. I think the lady at the window was smiling for a while after we left, she thought it was pretty funny I guess. Good times.

Ever since I've found Ruckus (free music for college students) i've been expanding my music listening habits. Currently I'm listening to some Bowling for Soup, which brings back some High School memories that I am quite fond of. Here's looking at you, carpool.

Love ya all, peace.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

So I've been very active lately, which is odd for me. I've really been enjoying it too! I started running this last week, doing about a mile each day, and then I ran 2 on Saturday in preparations for ultimate frisbee starting soon. I played capture the flag with some friends last night, and then hacky sack today, the weather is too pretty not to enjoy!

School work is difficult (last semester of Spanish, WOOT!) but I know its good for me. This semester is going by rapidly, its almost Easter already and it feels like I just got here.

Other than the few things that hold me back, I feel like I'm really growing right now and learning how to be more responsible and mature. I don't know what life has to throw at me, but I'm going to enjoy it!


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Sunday, February 11, 2007

It all falls down

Well, I've been battling the sickness this week, and I believe I can say that I conquered it (mostly) I still have a slight sniffle, but I think it'll be alright. I did some work on my project for class and gave what I had to another group member because she was going to put it all together. I enjoyed doing it and think everyone in the group did a stellar job! I need to start studying for my scary PBS test that is coming on Thursday.

There has been a lot of nerf-gunning and other assorted activities around the dorm lately. It's good to be active even when I don't want to go outside because my face will freeze off. There have been nice days here, but it is still overall pretty cold.

There have been many creative ideas being thrown around the dorm. Shifty wants to start a Ska band (kind of like punk and reggae with brass instruments thrown in) and wants me to play guitar, and Michael and I were talking about doing a webcomic. Both of these sound awesome to me, and seem like a good use of my artistic talents. So I don't know what's going to happen, but hopefully it'll be good!

I went to confession at St. Pete's yesterday with the Mikester, and it was my first time going to that church. Very nice, I was thinking I'll have to go there for Mass sometime. I think i'm going to go to the 4 oclock on campus today, since my options are limited.

Our car (the puma) has not started this week, probably because of the cold. We're looking into jumping it, and I just hope that the battery isn't totally dead. If I could get it fixed today, it would be great.

Other than that, schoolwork has been good, all good grades so far. Hopefully this is the semester I really come back and do well. I'm pumped.

Peace out until next time...

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The tiredness

I had my 8 oclock morning class again today, which is really great and enjoyable, other than the time. It's a totally different take on scripture than my other Biblical studies class, so it's good to have multiple perspectives. We talk a lot in this class about what's appropriate to teach in Catechesis relating to Scripture and what the difference is between Theological discussion of the Bible. Very cool stuff.

My Christology class this semester is much better than last time I took it. Last time I had a different teacher, and ended up withdrawing from the course because she was "special" and I felt like I wasn't learning. These things happen I suppose. My new teacher gives a lot of good examples and makes me feel like I have a good grasp of what we are talking about- something new and different!

My roomate is totally and disgustingly sick, even after taking airbourne for 2 days. Ug. I hope I don't get sick, but have been fortifying my body with vitamins, minerals, and other healthy foods. Woot!

Everyone who went on the march came back late last night, exhausted but having fun stories of what sounds like was a great trip. I myself enjoyed talking to Laura in Austria for a couple hours over the last couple days. Ooh, and Prison Break was on last night! I don't want to ruin anything, but I'm really excited about this show, it seems like the craziness level of the show shot back up to where it was before things started slowing down with the capture of the brothers. Woot! Also I watched the new Battlestar Galactica, which was amazing and action filled, with unexpected twists and new plot lines! Go Dee!

I had a meeting with my group from my Saints class about our upcoming project, and I am excited. We're going to do some combination of powerpoint and a handout for our visual aid, and our subject matter has to be (what else) but Saints! We have to pick a group that has something in common, so I think we're picking Kings/Rulers. It should be a good exercise in making presentations for class one day.

I haven't read much more of the Aeneid since I was home. I find at school there's always so much going on that I have a hard time reading non-course material. My time slips away, but I enjoy my time here a lot.

Have a blessed day, and talk to ya soon!

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Major Update

Sorry for my last post to whom it concerns... I'm silly sometimes.

So blogger got an update, and so did my blog along with it. I added a link to my iSound page, so you can go listen to my music directly from my blog, or go visit my page over there. Most of this music is from a couple years ago, but i'm sure I'll be working on it more soon.

I finished my work from over break, and so now I venture back to school. I have many exciting (and questionable) classes this semester, highlighted by a night class with Sr. and an eight in the morning class. Ug.

I finished packing and loading up the car, but the delicious food I ate earlier is no longer providing me with filling. I have had so many good times over break, too many to mention! From awkward goodness with my sister in a comic shop (on a scale from 1 to awkward, it scored a 23) to a smashing New Years Eve party, this break has been an enjoyable and enlightening time. I've finished off every season of Battlestar Galactica, Prison Break, The Office, The Amazing Race, and am now catching up on Lost. Great shows.

I have to wake up at 5 in the morning. Sick.

Have a lovely day

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