Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I suppose I'm a bum...

Well it's been a while since I've put anything on here! You know that means business!

So, since last time I posted on here, I had the pleasure of accompanying my dearest Laura and her parents with my friends to dinner in Pittsburgh. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory, which should be renamed "The Temple of Excellent Food and Even Better Cheesecake." The dining was five star quality, and the company was also nice.

After that, I have been busy doing various studying, video game playing, and Catechism-summarizing. I am still working on my summary of the first half of the Catechism that is due on Thursday. It has been very interesting and enlightening, but it can be pretty boring at times. I think that it will take me a couple more hours, so hopefully I can finish it tonight.

Last Saturday, I woke up bright and early (5:30 ish) to go and pray at the Abortion Clinic in Pittsburgh. We had mass first in the Chapel, and then left for the clinic. When we got there, we started praying the Rosary and singing various songs and prayers. It was a powerful witness to see all of us there, there was probably close to a hundred of us there. We got one turnaround, which is when through sidewalk counseling, one of the women seeking abortion turns around and listens to our message and decides not to have an abortion. It was very exciting for all of us!

In other news, we have been watching all the movies I got for my birthday. We started with Pirates of the Caribbean, then watched Hook, then Labyrinth. Movies are amazing. I forgot to bring my Lord of the Rings movies, which is sad.

So, basically, God is cool and so are you!

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