Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I suppose I'm a bum...

Well it's been a while since I've put anything on here! You know that means business!

So, since last time I posted on here, I had the pleasure of accompanying my dearest Laura and her parents with my friends to dinner in Pittsburgh. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory, which should be renamed "The Temple of Excellent Food and Even Better Cheesecake." The dining was five star quality, and the company was also nice.

After that, I have been busy doing various studying, video game playing, and Catechism-summarizing. I am still working on my summary of the first half of the Catechism that is due on Thursday. It has been very interesting and enlightening, but it can be pretty boring at times. I think that it will take me a couple more hours, so hopefully I can finish it tonight.

Last Saturday, I woke up bright and early (5:30 ish) to go and pray at the Abortion Clinic in Pittsburgh. We had mass first in the Chapel, and then left for the clinic. When we got there, we started praying the Rosary and singing various songs and prayers. It was a powerful witness to see all of us there, there was probably close to a hundred of us there. We got one turnaround, which is when through sidewalk counseling, one of the women seeking abortion turns around and listens to our message and decides not to have an abortion. It was very exciting for all of us!

In other news, we have been watching all the movies I got for my birthday. We started with Pirates of the Caribbean, then watched Hook, then Labyrinth. Movies are amazing. I forgot to bring my Lord of the Rings movies, which is sad.

So, basically, God is cool and so are you!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Intro to Parent's Weekend

...Welcome to parent's weekend! This is the weekend when everyone's parents come to visit and see how their wonderful children are doing. I myself am doing pretty well, and I think it is the general consensus that everyone is doing pretty well.

I had a very good night class tonight in Foundations of Catholicism. We talked about some very interesting topics in the first hour and a half, and we continued talking about those in great detail for the other hour and ten minutes. We were talking about how people can still be saved if they didn't know Jesus if they were not able to know him properly here, and conversely people who know that what they are doing conflicts with Catholic teaching cannot enter heaven. It's all very interesting to know, especially since my teacher is a lawyer and always gives the perspective of law and government on all of this.

My dear sweet Laura's parents arrived this evening and took her out to a lovely dinner, and hopefully I will eat her leftovers when she returns. I also wanted to mention that my new background is far superior to mountains. Especially cute and intelligent ladies are always welcome to reside on my computer background, and indeed Laura fits both.

School is going better now and I feel better about my writing abilities after getting good grades on the 4 papers I've already written. All I need to work on now is my history paper, and also on my Religious Ed visits and I'll really be doing well.

The radio show went pretty good yesterday, Big Al couldn't make it on, but my good friend Nahan G came and did a lovely job in his stead. Good job Nate. *cough, puma, cough*

I also ran again yesterday, a little bit further than last time, and a little bit faster in my opinion. I stretched better before hand and didn't feel nearly as sore. This whole running thing could really help me out with this whole "not gaining 50 pounds" thing. Also, on the air yesterday, I actually said that next week's topic would be "Sodexho: Evil or Not," but I don't think I can talk about that. Sorry.

Monday, September 26, 2005

All Your Base are Belong to Us

I took my test, and I'm pretty sure that it didn't go that well. Everyone else I talked to thought it didn't go well either. I guess that's just life.

Apparently there's some Halo competition coming up soon. There's a big rivalry between the Francis and Trinity dorms, and so it promises to be fierce competition. I really need to practice up! My friend Tom wanted to recruit me to play for Trinity.

I just wanted to express my sorrow to Scott again for not telling him about my radio station. It airs at 7 o clock eastern time every Wednesday. The Big Al and K-Dawg show (sorry for borrowing the name Mrs. Koenen, but my friend suggested it, not me) is amazing and excellent. Listen to it!

So we're watching Signs in our room right now, which is one of my favorite movies ever, so I'm going to go watch it now.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Crazy times at Steubenville

So I ate some pizza at the Caf about 2 hours ago and it was so disgustingly greasy that I thought my arteries were clogging as I was eating. It was tasty, don't get me wrong, but it seems that the people who make the food here want me to gain the freshman 50 instead of only 15, which is really sad. I went running for the first time with some peoples on Friday, and it was very exciting. I hope that I get to run again tonight becasue the food here is going to destroy me.

In other news, I have decided that tomorrow's psychology test is not going to be as bad as I originally thought. Studying is difficult, especially when there are lots of fun people to distract me. Argh!

My room is actually clean today, a testament to the power of open hours. For all of you who don't know, here at
Franciscan University, the Ladies can only be in our rooms from 1 to 5 on Saturdays and Sundays, known as open hours.

More on this and other things tommorow when my test is finished. Also, never tell a girl you prefer pictures of mountains as your background to her, especially if she's cute/violent.