Tuesday, May 18, 2010



I thought I'd take some time to write about my new deck while I'm bored with nothing to do at work. As many of my friends know, Warp World is possibly one of the best cards ever. Oh wait, I meant my favorite card ever. Ever since I read it for the first time in my friend's binder long before I started buying cards myself, I thought that it was insane. The chaos, the randness, and the fact that resolving it almost always puts the nail in a control player's coffin. Counterspells, wraths, and planeswalkers get you nowhere against Warp when you reveal cards.

I have played 3 distinct builds of Warp World decks in my time as a MTG player. The first used Tangleroot, a bunch of one cost mana producers, and Glimpse of Nature to go crazy in very short order. The hunted tokens from Ravnica were owned by you prior to M10, which lead to many lolls and grief.

The second was a great deck. Before M10 came out, I started playing a version with Redcaps, Finks, Mulldrifters, Trace and Fertile Ground. It played 4x Broodmate and a few Hellkite Overlords with singleton Karrthus to make shenanigans abound. This version did fairly well, running all the way through Zendikar release with a respectable amount of wins. Sadly, the crazy aggression in Zendikar hated the deck out of the format.

An now we come full circle. M11 is on the horizon and the format has settled down. Midrange and control once again dominate the format. These are always the situations ripe for Warp to reemmerge. In addition RoE gave us many tools to increase the permanent count rapidly while also increasing potential mana ramp in the form of Spawn tokens.

Last week I played this list at FNM:
4 Trace of Abundance
3 Nest Invader
4 Growth Spasm
4 Awakening Zone
4 Kozileks Predator
4 Emrakuls Hatcher
3 Siege-gang Commander
3 Eldrazi Monument
4 Warp World
1 Ob Nixilis
1 Kozilek
1 Emrakul
24 Lands

4 Thought Hemmorage
4 Summoning Trap
4 Acidic Slime
3 Anathemancer

I was really pleased with it. I playtested for hours before and grew confident, then screwed my first round on a terrible missplay. It's usually not an issue for me to resist misplays but I wasn't paying attention to the fact that I should have know. What card was in his hand because he revealed it with Nocturnus seeral turns before.

I also played against lifegain.dec with rebound soldiers. Not something I could have anticipated. We drew although he would have killed me the next turn so next time I need a pyroclasm effect in the sb for sure.

Won next two against UW Control and Lifegain.dek. Summoning Trap for extra chances to get Emrakul and Kozilek was genius. I threw them in the sb cause I couldn't think of amything else and it won me the game against UW on turn 4.

Overall I'm glad the deck isn't terrible and loom forward to what it can do in the coming weeks. Forgive any bad spelling above, it was written on my phone.